2024 STRYKE Percussion Ensemble Cast


About SPW

In 2002, STRYKE Percussion (SPW) began as an A Class WGI independent ensemble. The initiative of the ensemble was to create a place for positive growth and development through the performing arts in the South Florida Community. In their 1st WGI Regional in 2003 they were promoted to Open Class and subsequently remained in that Class eventually receiving a Bronze Medal in 2008, then Silver Medals in 2010 & 2011. STRYKE Percussion was promoted to the WGI World Class division in 2012. In 2015 they received the coveted Fan Favorite Award for their production, "Empire State", then in 2017 repeated that with their production, “King” and in 2018, earned another with their production, “Nightmare At 30,000 Feet”.  The most important influence that affects STRYKE's success is that all members truly feel like family. We support and encourage each other and accomplish goals based on our drive to be the best we can be, as a family.

Productions & Achievements

  • 2024: 7 Minutes to Midnight - WGI Semi-finalist, and FloMarching Fan Favorite

  • 2023: mAlice

  • 2022: Day In / Day Out - WGI Semi-finalist

  • 2021: When No One Is In The Room

  • 2020: The King of Thieves

  • 2019: The Addicted - WGI Finalist

  • 2018: Nightmare at 30,000 Feet - WGI Finalist, and WGI Fan Favorite

  • 2017: King - WGI Finalist, and WGI Fan Favorite

  • 2016: Only One - WGI Semi-finalist

  • 2015: Empire State - WGI Finalist, and WGI Fan Favorite

  • 2014: The Fine Line - WGI Finalist

  • 2013: Speech Patterns - WGI Semi-finalist

  • 2012: Music in the Shape of a Square - Prompted to PIW*, and WGI Finalist

  • 2011: Pressure - WGI (PIO) Silver Medalist

  • 2010: Wish - WGI (PIO) Silver Medalist

  • 2009: Illusions - WGI Finalist

  • 2008: The Program - WGI (PIO) Bronze Medalist

  • 2007: Invisible Touch - WGI Finalist

  • 2006: The Raven - WGI Finalist

  • 2005: Time - WGI Finalist

  • 2004: The Other Side of the Box - WGI Semi-finalist

  • 2003: Waldo, Where You At? - Inaugural year in PIA*, Promoted to PIO*, WGI Finalist

PIW* = Percussion Independent World Class

PIO* = Percussion Independent Open Class

PIA* = Percussion Independent A Class
